Featured Amenities
Here are some of our hotel amenities that will make your stay more comfortable:
Evening Wine Hour
Enjoy our complimentary wine hour. Daily from 5pm - 6pm.
Indulge in a complimentary continental breakfast. Daily from 7am - 9:30am.
Stay connected with complimentary Wi-Fi throughout the property
Onsite Pool
Enjoy our sparkling saltwater pool.
24-hour Gym
24-hour gym with treadmills, Peloton, free weights and more.
E-Bikes, Pedal Bikes
Explore the island with complimentary e-bikes and pedal bikes, available on a first come, first served basis.
Two Restaurants
Dine at our two restaurants ($$) Reservations required.
Complimentary shuttle into the city centre. Available Monday - Friday from 7:30am - 10am.